Friday, March 09, 2007

The Wildfoods Festival

Today I went to the Wildfoods Festival in Hokitika! It's an annual event that attracts about 17,000 people to Hokitika (that's alot of people for this little town!) Anyhow, it was alot of fun. "Wild" is the operative word here. Some of the fare being offered at the booths included: kangaroo, rabbit, venison, worms, grasshoppers, and possum. I didn't try any of the above listed items. Because (1) I'm veg these days, though I eat seafood, and (2) gross! I ended up eating (and drinking) quite a bit. My favorites were the raspberry cider and these veggie soy things. Now people do get a little wild at the Wildfoods Festival, even the vegetarians! The veggie soy things I had to eat were in a very crude shape (2 balls with a finger shape in between, if you get the picture). And when they serve it up, they put a little white sauce at the tip of the finger shape thing. Ha! I felt kinda weird eating this thing, but it was actually really good. Here's a picture of the sign on the booth where they served these soy bits. If you look close you can see 2 vegetables getting busy.

So you get the picture what this festival was like....

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